Kotlin’s coroutines offer a powerful way to manage concurrency and asynchronous programming. However, to use them effectively, it’s crucial to understand the lifecycle of a coroutine. In this blog post, we’ll explore the coroutine lifecycle, focusing on the states of a coroutine’s Job, how they transition between states, and practical examples to illustrate each state, including the effects of launching nested coroutines. Additionally, we’ll discuss best practices and modifications.
What is a Coroutine?
Coroutines are lightweight threads that allow you to perform asynchronous tasks without blocking the main thread. They provide a way to write non-blocking code that is easy to read and maintain. In Kotlin, coroutines are structured around the concept of jobs.
What is a Job?
A Job is a handle to a coroutine. It represents its lifecycle and allows you to manage its execution, including starting, cancelling, and checking its status. The Job provides several states that a coroutine can be in during its lifecycle.
Coroutine Job Lifecycle States
The lifecycle of a coroutine’s Job includes the following states:
- New: The coroutine is created but not yet started.
- Active: The coroutine is currently running.
- Completing: The coroutine is finishing its work.
- Completed: The coroutine has finished its execution successfully.
- Cancelling: The coroutine is in the process of being cancelled.
- Cancelled: The coroutine has been cancelled and will not complete.
Job Lifecycle Flow Diagram
To visualize the transitions between these states, consider the following flow diagram:
wait children
+-----+ start +--------+ complete +-------------+ finish +-----------+
| New | -----> | Active | --------> | Completing | -------> | Completed |
+-----+ +--------+ +-------------+ +-----------+
| cancel / fail |
| +----------------+
| |
+------------+ finish +-----------+
| Cancelling | --------------------------------> | Cancelled |
+------------+ +-----------+
(Diagram from kotlinlang.org)
State Transitions Explained
1. New
The New state is where a coroutine starts its lifecycle. A coroutine is created but not yet running.
fun main() {
val job = GlobalScope.launch {
println("Coroutine is starting...")
println("Job state (New): ${job.isActive}")
// Job state (New): false
2. Active
When the coroutine begins its execution, it transitions to the Active state. In this state, the coroutine can perform its designated tasks.
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch {
println("Coroutine is active now!")
delay(1000) // Simulating work
println("Job state (Active): ${job.isActive}")
// Coroutine is active now!
// Job state (Active): true
3. Completing
As the coroutine finishes its tasks, it enters the Completing state. This state indicates that the coroutine is about to finish its execution.
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch {
println("Coroutine is working...")
delay(1000) // Simulating work
println("Coroutine is completing...")
// Register callback
job.invokeOnCompletion {
println("Job completed: ${if (it == null) "successfully" else "failed or cancelled"}")
// Coroutine is working...
// Coroutine is completing...
// Job completed: successfully
4. Completed
Once the coroutine finishes its execution, it transitions to the Completed state. The coroutine has successfully executed its tasks.
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch {
println("Task started...")
delay(1000) // Simulating work
println("Job state (Completed): ${job.isCompleted}")
// Task started...
// Job state (Completed): true
5. Cancelling
If a coroutine is cancelled, it enters the Cancelling state. In this state, the coroutine is in the process of being stopped, and any ongoing work should be cleaned up.
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch {
try {
repeat(5) { i ->
println("Coroutine is working... $i")
delay(500) // Simulating work
} finally {
println("Coroutine is cancelled")
// Register callback
job.invokeOnCompletion { cause ->
println("Job completed: ${if (cause == null) "successfully" else "failed or cancelled: ${cause.message}"}")
delay(1000) // Let the coroutine run for a bit
println("Cancelling the coroutine...")
job.cancel() // Cancelling the coroutine
job.join() // Wait for the coroutine to ensure we see the invokeOnCompletion output
// Coroutine is working... 0
// Coroutine is working... 1
// Cancelling the coroutine...
// Coroutine is cancelled
// Job completed: failed or cancelled: CancellationException
Job Offers
6. Cancelled
After the cancellation is complete, the coroutine reaches the Cancelled state. At this point, the coroutine has stopped its execution and will not complete its tasks.
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch {
println("Starting coroutine...")
delay(2000) // Simulating a long task
// Register callback
job.invokeOnCompletion {
println("Job completed: ${if (it == null) "successfully" else "failed or cancelled"}")
delay(500) // Let it run for a bit
job.cancel() // Cancelling the coroutine
println("Job state (Cancelled): ${job.isCancelled}") // Should be true
job.join() // Wait for the coroutine to ensure we see the invokeOnCompletion output
// Starting coroutine...
// Job state (Cancelled): true
// Job completed: failed or cancelled: CancellationException
Coroutine Scopes
A CoroutineScope defines the scope within which coroutines can be launched. It helps manage the lifecycle of coroutines and enforces structured concurrency. When a scope is cancelled, all coroutines launched within that scope are also cancelled. The most common coroutine scopes are:
- GlobalScope: Launches coroutines that live for the entire lifetime of the application.
- CoroutineScope: A user-defined scope that can be tied to specific components (like activities or fragments in Android).
Dispatchers define the thread or thread pool that the coroutine will run on. Common dispatchers include:
- Dispatchers.Main: Used for UI operations and runs on the main thread.
- Dispatchers.IO: Optimized for I/O operations, like network calls or reading files.
- Dispatchers.Default: Used for CPU-intensive tasks.
The choice of dispatcher affects how coroutines execute and interact with the rest of the application, impacting their lifecycle and performance.
Handling Failures and Exceptions in Coroutines
Managing failures and exceptions is crucial for building robust applications. Coroutines provide structured mechanisms for handling exceptions that may arise during asynchronous operations. Here are some important concepts and practices for managing exceptions in coroutines:
1. Exception Propagation
By default, exceptions thrown in a coroutine are propagated to the parent coroutine. If a parent coroutine catches an exception, the child coroutine will be cancelled, and the exception will be passed up the coroutine hierarchy.
fun main() = runBlocking {
val parentJob = launch {
try {
launch {
throw Exception("Child coroutine failed")
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Caught exception in parent: ${e.message}")
// Caught exception in parent: Child coroutine failed
2. Using supervisorScope
When using supervisorScope
, you can handle failures of child coroutines independently. If one child coroutine fails, it does not cancel the other child coroutines or the parent coroutine.
fun main() = runBlocking {
supervisorScope {
val child1 = launch {
println("Child 1 started")
println("Child 1 completed")
val child2 = launch {
println("Child 2 started")
throw Exception("Child 2 failed")
val child3 = launch {
println("Child 3 started")
println("Child 3 completed")
println("Parent coroutine continues...")
// Child 1 started
// Child 2 started
// Child 3 started
// Child 1 completed
// Child 3 completed
// Parent coroutine continues...
3. CoroutineExceptionHandler
You can use CoroutineExceptionHandler
to handle uncaught exceptions at the coroutine level. This handler can be passed as part of the coroutine context to manage exceptions that are not caught within the coroutine.
fun main() = runBlocking {
val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
println("Caught exception: ${exception.message}")
val job = launch(exceptionHandler) {
throw Exception("Coroutine failed")
// Caught exception: Coroutine failed
4. Cleaning Up Resources
When a coroutine fails or is cancelled, it is important to clean up any resources (like closing files or releasing locks). Use the finally
block to ensure that cleanup code runs regardless of whether an exception occurs.
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch {
try {
println("Coroutine started...")
throw Exception("Something went wrong")
} finally {
println("Cleaning up resources...")
job.join() // Wait for the coroutine to finish
// Coroutine started...
// Cleaning up resources...
Effects of Launching Nested Coroutines
Nested coroutines can affect the lifecycle and behavior of parent coroutines, especially in terms of cancellation and completion. When you launch a coroutine inside another coroutine (nested coroutine), it inherits the lifecycle of its parent. This means that if the parent coroutine is cancelled, the nested coroutine will also be cancelled unless it is launched in a different context or scope.
Example of Nested Coroutines
fun main() = runBlocking {
val parentJob = launch {
println("Parent coroutine started on ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
val childJob = launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
println("Child coroutine started on ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
delay(2000) // Simulating work
println("Child coroutine completed")
delay(1000) // Let the child coroutine run for a bit
println("Cancelling the parent coroutine...")
cancel() // Cancelling the parent coroutine
// Register callback
parentJob.invokeOnCompletion { cause ->
println("Parent job completed: ${if (cause == null) "successfully" else "failed or cancelled: ${cause.message}"}")
parentJob.join() // Wait for the parent coroutine to finish
// Parent coroutine started on main
// Child coroutine started on DefaultDispatcher-worker-1
// Cancelling the parent coroutine...
// Parent job completed: failed or cancelled: CancellationException
In this example, when the parent coroutine is cancelled, the child coroutine is also cancelled, demonstrating the inherited lifecycle behavior of nested coroutines.
Does a Job Go into Completed State After Cancelling?
Yes, a Job transitions to the Completed state after being cancelled. Here’s how you can verify that:
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch {
println("Coroutine is working...")
delay(1000) // Simulating work
println("Job completed state: ${job.isCompleted}")
// Coroutine is working...
// Job completed state: true
Best Practices and Suggestions
1. Use Structured Concurrency
Always launch coroutines within a specific scope, ensuring that they are tied to the lifecycle of the component that creates them. This prevents memory leaks and ensures proper cancellation.
2. Prefer CoroutineScope Over GlobalScope
Use CoroutineScope
for managing coroutines tied to specific components (e.g., activities, fragments) instead of GlobalScope
, which can lead to uncontrolled coroutine lifetimes.
3. Handle Exceptions
Implement exception handling within coroutines to manage failures gracefully. Use try-catch
blocks or coroutine exception handlers to catch and handle exceptions effectively.
4. Use SupervisorScope When Necessary
When dealing with nested coroutines, consider using supervisorScope
to prevent failures in one child coroutine from affecting others.
5. Monitor Coroutine States
Utilize invokeOnCompletion
and check the states of jobs to manage the lifecycle and handle any necessary cleanup or state checks.
6. Avoid Blocking Calls
Make sure not to block the coroutine dispatcher with long-running tasks. Use withContext
to switch contexts if needed.
Understanding the lifecycle of coroutines, including the effects of nested coroutines and the role of supervisorScope
, is essential for writing robust asynchronous code in Kotlin. By managing parent-child relationships and handling cancellations and failures effectively, you can create efficient and reliable applications.
Whether you’re using invokeOnCompletion
for cleanup, managing nested coroutines, or utilizing structured concurrency, Kotlin’s coroutines provide powerful tools for handling concurrency with ease.
That’s it for this blog. Let’s connect on LinkedIn and Twitter
This article is previously published on proandroiddev.com