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Understanding the Need for Advanced Cleanup

When developing Android applications, disk space can quickly become cluttered with build outputs, Gradle caches, and IDE configuration files.

  • By default, Android Studio’s “Build → Clean Project” does not remove everything.
  • Caches, artifacts from multiple modules, leftover Gradle files, and build outputs can accumulate.

This article provides a single script that handles these issues comprehensively, with fancy console output showing before and after space usage. We’ll cover macOS/Linux (with Bash) and Windows (with Batch), and also clarify how the script’s Lite cleanup compares to Build → Clean Project in terms of freed disk space and project scope.

Like anything that “removes” content, use with caution.

Why Not Just Use “Build → Clean Project”?
  1. Limited Scope: It typically targets only the build folders for whichever module(s) are currently open in the IDE.
  2. Misses .gradle: It leaves .gradle untouched; you won’t reclaim that space or fix corrupted caches.
  3. No Bulk: If you have multiple projects under one folder (e.g., ~/AndroidStudioProjects), you’d have to open and clean each project manually.
Lite vs. Deep Cleanup

We define two levels of cleanup in our script:

Lite Cleanup
  • Removes only build output (like buildapp/build) so your next build is forced to recompile.
  • Does not remove .gradle (so you don’t have to re-download dependencies).
  • Disk Space Freed: Typically similar to Build → Clean Project, especially on a single-module project.
Deep Cleanup
  • Also removes the .gradle folder, reclaiming significant disk space if Gradle caches have grown large.
  • Space Freed: Significantly more than a standard or IDE-based clean because .gradle can be gigabytes in size.
How Does the Lite Cleanup Compare to “Build → Clean Project”?
Disk-Space Freed:
  • On a single-module project, Lite cleanup and Build → Clean Project typically free about the same space (both remove build outputs).
  • On a multi-module project or in a bulk scenario, our Lite cleanup might remove build outputs from all modules/folders, whereas Build → Clean Project only cleans modules you currently have open in the IDE — so you might see slightly more disk space freed with our script.
Flexibility & Automation:
  • Our Lite cleanup can be run from the command line (or CI/CD) without opening the IDE.
  • You can do bulk cleanup for multiple projects in one go.
No Gradle Caches:
  • Both Build → Clean Project and Lite cleanup do not remove .gradle. For big disk space recovery or corrupted caches, you’d need a deep cleanup.
Bottom Line
  • If you’re used to Build → Clean Project on a single-project, single-module setup, Lite cleanup is roughly the same in terms of disk savings.
  • However, our script is more convenient (especially for multi-module/bulk cleanup) and easily extendable to a deeper purge when needed.
1. The All-in-One macOS/Linux Script

Below is a single Bash script that supports the following parameters:

Single vs. Bulk
  • bulk → cleans all subfolders as if each one is a separate project
  • single (default) -> cleans current project’s folder (must be inside root folder of android project).
Lite vs. Deep
  • lite → runs the gradlew/ clean (like “Build → Clean Project” but easier to automate)
  • deep (default) That is much more aggressive, it deletes the .gradlew folder instead of running gradle cleanning script.

It also shows the detected modules (by scanning for build.gradle or build.gradle.kts), includes buildSrc support, and prints largest directories after the cleanup for diagnostic purposes.

Why Deep-by-Default?
  • Frees More Space: Removing .gradle can reclaim big chunks of disk space.
  • Avoids Redundant Downloads: By skipping ./gradlew clean, we won’t trigger Gradle to download a distribution or libraries just to delete them immediately.
  • Still Optional: If you want a lighter, “build-only” cleanup, pass lite.
1. macOS/Linux (Bash) Version

Save the following script as, make it executable (chmod +x, and place it wherever you like (e.g., ~/Scripts).

# Usage Examples:
#   1) Deep cleanup (no params):
#       ./
#   2) Lite cleanup (standard):
#       ./ lite
#   3) Deep bulk cleanup in current folder:
#       ./ bulk
#   4) Lite bulk cleanup:
#       ./ bulk lite
# Merged script:
#  - Deep is default (removes .gradle, etc.), skipping gradlew clean
#  - "lite" mode => standard, calls gradlew clean, doesn't remove .gradle
#  - "bulk" => clean multiple subfolders
#  - Lists discovered modules, cleans "buildSrc", shows largest dirs after cleanup

# Parse Script Arguments
IS_DEEP=true   # default is deep unless user passes 'lite'

for arg in "$@"; do
  case "$arg" in
      echo "Unknown argument: $arg"
      echo "Usage: $0 [bulk] [lite] [deep]"
      echo " - (no args) => deep mode"
      echo " - bulk => process subfolders"
      echo " - lite => standard cleanup (build only, plus gradlew clean)"
      echo " - deep => ensures we do a deep cleanup"
      exit 1

# Print Which Mode We're In
if [ "$IS_DEEP" = true ]; then
  echo "Using DEEP cleanup mode..."
  echo "Using STANDARD (lite) cleanup mode..."

# Configure Directories to Clean
if [ "$IS_DEEP" = true ]; then
    "build"              # Root project build
    "app/build"          # Main app module
    ".gradle"            # Root Gradle cache
    "*/build"            # Any module's build directory
    "buildSrc/.gradle"   # BuildSrc gradle cache
    "buildSrc/build"     # BuildSrc build directory
    # Uncomment if you also want to remove .idea:
    # ".idea"
  # Lite mode => no .gradle removal
    "*/build"            # Include all modules' build dirs
    "buildSrc/build"     # BuildSrc build directory
    # buildSrc/.gradle intentionally omitted for standard mode

# Helper Function: Clean a Single Project
clean_single_project() {
  local project_path="$1"

  echo "----------------------------------------"
  echo "📁 Cleaning project: $project_path"

  cd "$project_path" || {
    echo "Could not enter $project_path; skipping."

  echo "----------------------------------------"
  echo "📊 Space usage before cleanup:"
  du -sh . 2>/dev/null

  # List discovered modules (just for info)
  echo "🔍 Detected modules (via build.gradle / build.gradle.kts):"
  find . \( -name "build.gradle" -o -name "build.gradle.kts" \) \
    | sed 's/\/build\.gradle.*$//' \
    | sort -u \
    | while read -r module; do
        if [ "$module" != "." ]; then
          # remove "./" if present
          echo "   - $mod"

  # In lite mode => run Gradle clean if present
  # In deep mode => skip Gradle clean to avoid downloads
  if [ "$IS_DEEP" = false ]; then
    echo "----------------------------------------"
    echo "🧹 Running Gradle clean (lite mode)..."
    if [ -f "./gradlew" ]; then
      ./gradlew clean
      echo "⚠️  Warning: No gradlew found in current directory"
    echo "----------------------------------------"
    echo "🧹 Skipping Gradle clean (deep mode)..."

  # Remove build directories using 'find' to handle wildcards
  echo "----------------------------------------"
  echo "🗑️  Removing build directories..."
  for dir in "${directories_to_clean[@]}"; do
    # We'll search for exact matches to the basename, but also
    # ensure the full path ends with the $dir pattern
    find . -type d -path "*/$dir" -exec sh -c '
      echo "   Removing: $1"
      rm -rf "$1"
    ' sh {} \; 2>/dev/null

  # Show final space usage
  echo "----------------------------------------"
  echo "✨ Cleanup complete!"
  echo "📊 Space usage after cleanup:"
  du -sh . 2>/dev/null

  # Largest remaining directories - helpful for debugging
  echo "📊 Largest remaining directories (top 5):"
  # On macOS, 'du -d 2' might be 'du -n 2' or 'du -depth=2' depending on version
  # We'll assume GNU/BSD style works:
  du -h -d 2 . 2>/dev/null | sort -hr | head -n 5

  echo "----------------------------------------"
  cd - >/dev/null || return

# Main Logic: Single or Bulk
if [ "$IS_BULK" = true ]; then
  echo "Performing BULK cleanup in $(pwd)"
  for project_dir in */; do
    if [ -d "$project_dir" ]; then
      clean_single_project "$project_dir"
  echo "Bulk cleanup complete!"
  echo "Performing SINGLE-PROJECT cleanup in $(pwd)"
  clean_single_project "$(pwd)"
Usage (macOS/Linux)
  1. Default (no arguments) → Deep cleanup (removes .gradle, no Gradle tasks).
  2. lite → Standard/lite cleanup (removes only build folders, calls gradlew clean).
  3. bulk → Process all subfolders in the current directory.
  4. bulk lite → Bulk, but do a lite cleanup.
  5. bulk deep → Redundant (since deep is default), but recognized for clarity.
2. Windows (PowerShell) Version

Save as android-cleanup.ps1 and run with PowerShell (or Windows Terminal). If blocked by policy, you can bypass via:

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\android-cleanup.ps1

PowerShell Execution Policy

By default, PowerShell may prevent scripts from running if not signed:

  • Option 1: Temporarily bypass with
    powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\android-cleanup.ps1
  • Option 2Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned (or Unrestricted) to allow local scripts to run.

Be sure you trust the script before changing these policies.

    [String[]] $Args

# Default: DEEP cleanup
$IS_BULK = $false
$IS_DEEP = $true

# Parse arguments (bulk, lite, deep)
foreach ($arg in $Args) {
    switch ($arg.ToLower()) {
        'bulk' { $IS_BULK = $true }
        'lite' { $IS_DEEP = $false }
        'deep' { $IS_DEEP = $true }
        default {
            Write-Host "Unknown argument: $arg"
            Write-Host "Usage: ./android-cleanup.ps1 [bulk] [lite] [deep]"
            Write-Host " - (no args) => deep cleanup"
            Write-Host " - bulk => process subfolders"
            Write-Host " - lite => standard cleanup (build only, plus gradlew clean)"
            Write-Host " - deep => ensures deep cleanup"

if ($IS_DEEP) {
    Write-Host "Using DEEP cleanup mode..."
} else {
    Write-Host "Using STANDARD (lite) cleanup mode..."

# Configure directories to clean
$DirectoriesToClean = @()
if ($IS_DEEP) {
    # Deep => remove .gradle, buildSrc caches, etc.
    $DirectoriesToClean += "build"
    $DirectoriesToClean += "app/build"
    $DirectoriesToClean += ".gradle"
    $DirectoriesToClean += "buildSrc/.gradle"
    $DirectoriesToClean += "buildSrc/build"
    $DirectoriesToClean += "*/build"  # wildcard submodules
    # Uncomment if you also want to remove .idea:
    # $DirectoriesToClean += ".idea"
else {
    # Lite => keep .gradle, just remove build outputs
    $DirectoriesToClean += "build"
    $DirectoriesToClean += "app/build"
    $DirectoriesToClean += "buildSrc/build"
    $DirectoriesToClean += "*/build"

# Clean-SingleProject - does NOT change directory if we're already there
function Clean-SingleProject {

    Write-Host "----------------------------------------"
    Write-Host "📁 Cleaning project: $ProjectPath"

    # If in bulk mode, we need to enter each subfolder. Otherwise, do nothing.
    if ($IS_BULK) {
        # Attempt to switch into project directory
        try {
            Push-Location -LiteralPath $ProjectPath -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Write-Host "Could not enter $ProjectPath; skipping."
    else {
        # Single-project mode => assume we are ALREADY inside the project folder
        # Do not change directory, matching mac script behavior.

    Write-Host "----------------------------------------"
    Write-Host "📊 Space usage before cleanup:"
    # Approximate 'du -sh .' via summing file sizes
    Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | 
        Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum |
        ForEach-Object {
            $sizeMB = [math]::Round($_.Sum / 1MB, 2)
            Write-Host "$sizeMB MB total (approx)"

    # Detect modules by build.gradle / build.gradle.kts
    Write-Host "🔍 Detected modules (via build.gradle / build.gradle.kts):"
    $gradleFiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Include build.gradle,build.gradle.kts -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($gradleFiles) {
        $modules = $gradleFiles |
            ForEach-Object { $_.DirectoryName } |
            Sort-Object -Unique

        foreach ($modPath in $modules) {
            # Convert to relative path
            $rel = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $modPath
            $cwd = Get-Location
            $relStr = $rel -replace [regex]::Escape($cwd.Path + "\\"), ".\"
            Write-Host "   - $relStr"
    else {
        Write-Host "   (No gradle files found)"

    # If in lite mode => run Gradle clean
    if (-not $IS_DEEP) {
        Write-Host "----------------------------------------"
        Write-Host "🧹 Running Gradle clean (lite mode)..."
        if (Test-Path "./gradlew.bat") {
            Start-Process "./gradlew.bat" "clean" -NoNewWindow -Wait
        elseif (Test-Path "./gradlew") {
            # Possibly a gradlew shell script
            Start-Process "powershell" "./gradlew clean" -NoNewWindow -Wait
        else {
            Write-Host "⚠️  Warning: No gradlew found in current directory"
    else {
        Write-Host "----------------------------------------"
        Write-Host "🧹 Skipping Gradle clean (deep mode)..."

    Write-Host "----------------------------------------"
    Write-Host "🗑️  Removing build directories..."
    foreach ($dirPattern in $DirectoriesToClean) {
        if ($dirPattern -like '*/build') {
            # search all subfolders named "build"
            $buildDirs = Get-ChildItem -Directory -Recurse -Filter build -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            foreach ($bDir in $buildDirs) {
                Write-Host "   Removing: $($bDir.FullName)"
                Remove-Item -LiteralPath $bDir.FullName -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        else {
            # direct path
            if (Test-Path $dirPattern) {
                $fullPath = Resolve-Path $dirPattern -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($fullPath) {
                    Write-Host "   Removing: $($fullPath.ToString())"
                    Remove-Item $fullPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Write-Host "----------------------------------------"
    Write-Host "✨ Cleanup complete!"
    Write-Host "📊 Space usage after cleanup:"
    Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | 
        Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum |
        ForEach-Object {
            $sizeMB = [math]::Round($_.Sum / 1MB, 2)
            Write-Host "$sizeMB MB total (approx)"

    Write-Host "📊 Largest remaining directories (top 5):"
    Get-ChildItem -Directory -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
        ForEach-Object {
            $subTotal = ($_ | Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
                Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum).Sum
                Path   = $_.FullName
                SizeMB = [math]::Round($subTotal / 1MB, 2)
        } | Sort-Object SizeMB -Descending | Select-Object -First 5 |
        ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host ("   {0} MB  {1}" -f $_.SizeMB, $_.Path)

    Write-Host "----------------------------------------"

    # If we entered in bulk mode, pop back out
    if ($IS_BULK) {
        Pop-Location | Out-Null

# Main logic
if ($IS_BULK) {
    Write-Host "Performing BULK cleanup in $(Get-Location)"
    $subfolders = Get-ChildItem -Directory
    foreach ($folder in $subfolders) {
        Clean-SingleProject $folder.FullName
    Write-Host "Bulk cleanup complete!"
else {
    Write-Host "Performing SINGLE-PROJECT cleanup in $(Get-Location)"
    # We'll call Clean-SingleProject with the same folder, but no directory change
    Clean-SingleProject (Get-Location)

Usage Windows
  • No arguments → Deep cleanup on the current folder, no directory changes.
  • lite → Standard cleanup in the current folder, calls Gradle clean.
  • bulk → Check each subfolder as a separate Android project, do a deep cleanup.
  • bulk lite → Bulk but do the “lite” approach.

Special thanks to Jahangir Jadi for assisting during the creation and testing phase of the PowerShell version of the script.

Example Script Usage
Lite Single Project (Mac)

When you specify lite on a single project, it effectively calls ./gradlew clean for you, without opening the project inside Android Studio. You’ll see output about what modules were detected and how much space was reclaimed.

% ~/scripts/ lite
Using STANDARD (lite) cleanup mode...
Performing SINGLE-PROJECT cleanup in /Users/ianyfantakis/AndroidStudioProjects/SampleProject
📁 Cleaning project: /Users/ianyfantakis/AndroidStudioProjects/SampleProject
📊 Space usage before cleanup:
219M .
🔍 Detected modules (via build.gradle / build.gradle.kts):
   - app
🧹 Running Gradle clean (lite mode)...

1 actionable task: 1 executed
🗑️  Removing build directories...
✨ Cleanup complete!
📊 Space usage after cleanup:
5.8M .
📊 Largest remaining directories (top 5):
5.8M .
3.8M ./.gradle/8.9
3.8M ./.gradle
1.3M ./.git
1.2M ./.git/objects

As you can see, the project shrank from 219MB to 5.8MB.

Deep Single Project (Mac)

If we don’t specify anything, “deep” is the default. This is significantly faster because there’s no Gradle script running, and the .gradle folder is removed, freeing even more space.

% ~/scripts/     
Using DEEP cleanup mode...
Performing SINGLE-PROJECT cleanup in /Users/ianyfantakis/AndroidStudioProjects/SampleProject
📁 Cleaning project: /Users/ianyfantakis/AndroidStudioProjects/SampleProject
📊 Space usage before cleanup:
218M .
🔍 Detected modules (via build.gradle / build.gradle.kts):
   - app
🧹 Skipping Gradle clean (deep mode)...
🗑️  Removing build directories...
   Removing: ./app/build
   Removing: ./.gradle
✨ Cleanup complete!
📊 Space usage after cleanup:
2.0M .
📊 Largest remaining directories (top 5):
2.0M .
1.3M ./.git
1.2M ./.git/objects
588K ./app
560K ./app/src

We went from 218MB to 2MB — a huge savings.

Job Offers

Job Offers

There are currently no vacancies.


No results found.


No results found.

Bulk Lite (Mac)


% ~/scripts/ bulk lite
Using STANDARD (lite) cleanup mode...
Performing BULK cleanup in /Users/ianyfantakis/AndroidStudioProjects
📁 Cleaning project: CameraRecorder/
📊 Space usage before cleanup:
 92M .
🔍 Detected modules (via build.gradle / build.gradle.kts):
   - app
🧹 Running Gradle clean (lite mode)...

1 actionable task: 1 executed
🗑️  Removing build directories...
✨ Cleanup complete!
📊 Space usage after cleanup:
1.7M .
📊 Largest remaining directories (top 5):
1.7M .
1.4M ./.gradle
1.2M ./.gradle/8.4
204K ./.gradle/buildOutputCleanup
160K ./app
📁 Cleaning project: ColorChanger1 copy 2/
📊 Space usage before cleanup:
 44M .
🔍 Detected modules (via build.gradle / build.gradle.kts):
   - app
🧹 Running Gradle clean (lite mode)...
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)

2 actionable tasks: 2 executed
🗑️  Removing build directories...
✨ Cleanup complete!
📊 Space usage after cleanup:
5.4M .
📊 Largest remaining directories (top 5):
5.4M .
4.7M ./.gradle
3.5M ./.gradle/7.2
1.0M ./.gradle/buildOutputCleanup
468K ./.idea


Bulk Deep (Mac)


% ~/scripts/ bulk
Using DEEP cleanup mode...
Performing BULK cleanup in /Users/ianyfantakis/AndroidStudioProjects
📁 Cleaning project: CameraRecorder/
📊 Space usage before cleanup:
 92M .
🔍 Detected modules (via build.gradle / build.gradle.kts):
   - app
🧹 Skipping Gradle clean (deep mode)...
🗑️  Removing build directories...
   Removing: ./app/build
   Removing: ./.gradle
✨ Cleanup complete!
📊 Space usage after cleanup:
312K .
📊 Largest remaining directories (top 5):
312K .
160K ./app
148K ./app/src
 64K ./gradle/wrapper
 64K ./gradle
📁 Cleaning project: ColorChanger/
📊 Space usage before cleanup:
 44M .
🔍 Detected modules (via build.gradle / build.gradle.kts):
   - app
🧹 Skipping Gradle clean (deep mode)...
🗑️  Removing build directories...
   Removing: ./app/build
   Removing: ./build
   Removing: ./.gradle
✨ Cleanup complete!
📊 Space usage after cleanup:
752K .
📊 Largest remaining directories (top 5):
752K .
468K ./.idea
388K ./.idea/libraries
180K ./app
160K ./app/src


Bulk Deep (Windows PowerShell)


PS D:\TestProjects> .\android-cleanup.ps1 bulk
Using DEEP cleanup mode...
Performing BULK cleanup in D:\TestProjects
📁 Cleaning project: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer
📊 Space usage before cleanup:
852.48 MB total (approx)
🔍 Detected modules (via build.gradle / build.gradle.kts):
   - D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer
   - D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\app
🧹 Skipping Gradle clean (deep mode)...
🗑️  Removing build directories...
   Removing: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\build
   Removing: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\app\build
   Removing: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\.gradle
   Removing: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\app\build
   Removing: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\app\build
✨ Cleanup complete!
📊 Space usage after cleanup:
36.95 MB total (approx)
📊 Largest remaining directories (top 5):
   35.91 MB  D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\app
   25.73 MB  D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\app\release
   8.52 MB  D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\app\src
   8.52 MB  D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\app\src\main
   4.21 MB  D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareCarer\app\src\main\res
📁 Cleaning project: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager
📊 Space usage before cleanup:
566.32 MB total (approx)
🔍 Detected modules (via build.gradle / build.gradle.kts):
   - D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager
   - D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\app
🧹 Skipping Gradle clean (deep mode)...
🗑️  Removing build directories...
   Removing: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\build
   Removing: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\app\build
   Removing: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\.gradle
   Removing: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\app\build
   Removing: D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\app\build
✨ Cleanup complete!
📊 Space usage after cleanup:
24.74 MB total (approx)
📊 Largest remaining directories (top 5):
   24.63 MB  D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\app
   17.52 MB  D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\app\release
   5.11 MB  D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\app\src\main
   5.11 MB  D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\app\src
   3.5 MB  D:\TestProjects\LogMyCareManager\app\src\main\res
PS D:\TestProjects>



With deep as the default, this script reclaims maximum space without redundant Gradle downloads. If you only want a “build-only” cleanup (like a normal “Gradle clean”), pass lite. Optionally add bulk to clean multiple subfolders (useful if you keep many Android projects in one directory).

Final Thoughts
  • Module Detection: We display modules by scanning for build.gradle / build.gradle.kts.
  • Wildcard Path Handling*/build ensures submodules aren’t missed.
  • BuildSrc Support: We explicitly remove buildSrc/.gradle and buildSrc/build for advanced Gradle builds.
  • Diagnostic: We print largest directories left behind to help you track down big folders.

Enjoy the convenience of a single script that far exceeds Android Studio’s built-in Clean Project by removing caches, supporting multi-module or multi-project scenarios, and automating everything via bulk mode. Happy cleaning!

This article is previously published on



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