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1. Introduction
The Challenge

Coroutines in Kotlin have transformed asynchronous programming, particularly in Android development, by replacing complex callback patterns with structured concurrency. However, a common challenge arises when coroutines need to communicate with each other. Since coroutines can run on different threads and operate independently, establishing reliable communication channels between them requires a thoughtful approach.

The Solution: Channels

Kotlin Channels provide a type-safe way for coroutines to communicate by passing data streams between them. They implement a producer-consumer pattern that ensures each piece of data is delivered exactly once, making them ideal for coordinated communication between concurrent operations.

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What You’ll Learn in This Article
  • How Kotlin Channels simplify concurrency through structured communication
  • The differences between Channels and Flows (including SharedFlow)
  • Fan-in/fan-out patternstwo-way communication, and real-world usage scenarios.
  • Common approaches to error handling in channel-based systems
2. Understanding Channels
2.1 What are Channels — Postal Service Analogy

Think of Channels as a postal service between coroutines:

  • A sender coroutine is like someone going to the post office to send mail to a specific mailbox (channel).
  • The Channel itself is the mailbox.
  • A receiver coroutine is like someone who owns that mailbox and checks for mail.
  • Each piece of mail (data emission) gets delivered exactly once. If two coroutines both check the same mailbox (channel), the first one to receive the letter (data emission) will take it, while the other one will not find anything.
  • If the mailbox is full, new mail waits at the post office (backpressure).
  • If two coroutines are checking the same mailbox (channel) as receivers, the first one that picks up the letter (emission), consumes that emission. That is, when the second coroutine checks the same mailbox (channel), it finds it empty. The mail (emission) was consumed by the previous coroutine that checked the mailbox. Thus, channels provide first come, first served service.

TL;DR — What Are Kotlin Coroutine Channels

So the mailbox (channel) is the common place where one coroutine leaves the letters (emissions) and the subscriber coroutine retrieves the letters (emissions) in a FIFO manner (that is in exactly the same order as they were sent).

It doesn’t matter what thread each coroutine is running, the channel is made just for that reason, to allow communication between different asynchronous coroutines.

Thus, a Channel is the structure used in Kotlin to allow a coroutine to message another coroutine (see example at section 6.2).

2.2 How Channels Work

Channels function as a sophisticated communication system with several key characteristics:

The Sender (Producer)

  • Can pause sending if the channel is full (backpressure mechanism)

The Channel

  • Maintains order of messages (FIFO — First In, First Out)
  • Can be configured with different capacities and behaviors

The Receiver (Consumer)

  • Consumes each piece of data is consumed exactly once
  • Can suspend until new data arrives
2.3 Important Details

Unidirectional Flow: Data flows in one direction only — from sender(s) to receiver(s). For two-way communication, you’ll need either two channels or a single channel with structured messages.

Suspending Behavior:

  • If the channel buffer is full, senders suspend until there’s space.
  • If the channel is empty, receivers suspend until an item arrives

First-come, first-served: Data items are queued in order per sender

2.4 Key Benefits
  • Thread Safety: Channels handle synchronization internally, eliminating race conditions
  • Backpressure Management: Built-in flow control prevents overwhelming receivers
  • Structured Communication: Follows Kotlin’s structured concurrency principles
  • Cancellation Support: Integrates with Kotlin’s cancellation system

This mechanism provides a robust foundation for handling streams of data between coroutines while maintaining the simplicity and safety that Kotlin is known for.

3. Channels vs Flows

Both Channels and Flows are part of Kotlin coroutines, and both can emit data over time. Does that make channels a kind of flow?

The short answer: No, they serve different paradigms of communication.

3.1 What Makes Channels Unique?
3.1.1 Point-to-Point (Unicast) Communication

A Channel is designed for sending messages from one coroutine to another.

When a message is sent via a Channel:

  1. Only one receiver gets that exact piece of data, and
  2. Once received, the item is consumed (i.e., removed from the channel).
3.1.2 Producer–Consumer Pattern

Channels fit best when you need a pipeline or assembly-line approach — one or more producers sending data, and one or more consumers receiving, but each piece of data is processed exactly once. This is ideal for tasks like multi-stage processing (e.g., read → transform → save).

3.1.3 Push-Based

The data “pushes” from producer(s) to consumer(s) and can backpressure if the consumers aren’t ready. This dynamic is crucial in concurrency scenarios, where controlling throughput is important.

3.2 What About Flows / SharedFlow?

Flow is generally a cold stream of data, meaning it’s defined as a sequence of values that can be collected whenever needed:

3.2.1 Flow (cold)

Think of it as a calculated or generated stream of data that each collector can start from scratch. A Flow does not require a separate coroutine actively sending items in real time — it can produce them on demand in a suspending sequence.

Multiple collectors each get to see the same series of emissions, but they each start the Flow from the beginning independently.

3.2.2 SharedFlow (hot)

A SharedFlow “broadcasts” data to all active collectors in real time — like an event bus. Everyone who’s collecting at the time of emission sees it, and you can configure how many items to replay to latecomers.

This still differs from a Channel, since each emission is not consumed uniquely by a single receiver; instead, all collectors receive it. That makes it great for distributing UI state changes or events across different parts of your app.

3.3 Key Differences Summarized
3.3.1 Single-Consumption vs. Broadcast
  • Channels: A single item goes to exactly one receiver. Once received, it’s gone.
  • SharedFlow: Each emission is broadcast to all collectors. No single-consumption.
3.3.2. Concurrency ‘Handshake’ vs. Data Stream
  • Channels excel at concurrency “handshakes,” pipeline stages, and backpressure.
  • Flows focus on stream transformations, collecting data “on demand,” or broadcasting to multiple observers.
3.3.3. Push vs. Pull (in simple terms)
  • Channels often push data from producers to consumers.
  • Flows (especially cold flows) are more of a pull model — your collector “pulls” data as it collects. SharedFlow is somewhat push-like, but it’s still conceptually about broadcasting to multiple listeners rather than one-at-a-time consumption.
3.4 When to Use Which?

Use Channels if you want:

  • A concurrency mechanism that ensures each item is processed once and only once.
  • A pipeline where producers and consumers coordinate via backpressure.
  • Fan-in/fan-out scenarios where items come from or go to multiple coroutines, but each item belongs to exactly one receiver.

Use Flows if you want:

  • A data stream that can be observed (collected) by multiple coroutines, each seeing the same items.
  • Transformation operators (map, filter, etc.) that run per collector.
  • Flexible replay or subscription behavior (using SharedFlow or StateFlow).

In other words, Channels are a lower-level “mailbox” or queue mechanism primarily for point-to-point concurrencyFlows (especially SharedFlow) can handle one-to-many communication, where multiple coroutines observe the same data events. Both are forms of “communication,” but the patterns and uses differ significantly.

4. Types of Channels

Different applications have different needs for data buffering and processing. Kotlin addresses these varying requirements by providing four types of channels, each optimized for specific use cases.

Kotlin provides four main ways to instantiate a channel, each balancing buffer capacity and behavior:

  1. Rendezvous (default: Channel())
  2. Buffered (Channel(capacity))
  3. Conflated (Channel(Channel.CONFLATED))
  4. Unlimited (Channel(Channel.UNLIMITED))
4.1. Rendezvous Channel
  • Capacity: 0 (default)
  • Behavior: Sender & receiver must “meet” in real time (no buffer)


val channel = Channel<Int>() // capacity = 0 by default


  • No buffer. The sender blocks until the receiver is ready, and vice versa.
  • Use case: Strict handoff, minimal overhead.
  • Analogy: Two people exchanging an object — each must be present at the same time.

Important Clarification:

The sender suspends (rather than “blocks”) until the receiver is ready, and vice versa. Suspension in coroutines is cooperative and doesn’t block the underlying thread, making it more efficient than a traditional “block.”

4.2. Buffered Channel
  • Capacity: Fixed capacity (n)
  • Behavior: Can hold up to n items before senders suspend


val channel = Channel<Int>(capacity = 10)


  • Fixed-size buffer.
  • Partial Decoupling: Allows temporary outpacing of the receiver if the buffer isn’t full.
  • Use case: Bursty data or pipelines that benefit from a small queue.
  • Analogy: A conveyor belt that can hold 10 packages. If it’s full, the next package must wait.
4.3. Conflated Channel
  • Capacity: Keeps only latest
  • Behavior: Older items are dropped if not yet received


val channel = Channel<Int>(Channel.CONFLATED)


  • Only keeps the latest item if the buffer is not consumed quickly. Older items are dropped.
  • Use case: Real-time data streams where only the most recent update matters (e.g., sensor data).
  • Analogy: A mailbox that can hold only one item, and if the postman sees an existing letter in the mailbox, throws it away and replaces it with the new one for the receiver.
4.4. Unlimited Channel
  • Capacity: No fixed limit
  • Behavior: Can grow indefinitely, risking high memory usage if not consumed in time


val channel = Channel<Int>(Channel.UNLIMITED)


  • Unbounded buffer size.
  • Sender never suspends (capacity is effectively infinite).
  • Use case: Rare scenarios where producers must never block; watch for memory usage.
  • Analogy: A giant warehouse with no upper limit — great but can get expensive if not emptied.

Important Warning:

Although technically the sender won’t suspend, if production outpaces consumption too heavily, you risk running out of memory. Always monitor and be prepared for the possibility of OutOfMemoryError in real-world scenarios.

5. Advanced Usage: Fan-In / Fan-Out & Two-Way Communication
5.1 Fan-In / Fan-Out

Fan-In: Multiple senders, a single receiver. All coroutines call channel.send() on the same channel, and that single receiver processes all messages. This is great for aggregating data from multiple producers into one consumer.

val channel = Channel<String>()

// Multiple Producers
repeat(3) { index ->
    launch {
        val producerName = "Producer-$index"
        repeat(5) { i ->
            channel.send("$producerName sent item $i")

// Single Consumer
launch {
    repeat(15) {
        val item = channel.receive()
        println("Consumer received: $item")
  • Fan-Out: A single sender that sends data to multiple potential consumers. However, in Kotlin channels, once an item is read by one consumer, it’s gone. If you want each consumer to receive the same data, use a broadcast-like mechanism, such as SharedFlow.


With channels, multiple receivers effectively compete for messages. A message consumed by one receiver won’t be seen by another, so it’s not a true broadcast. If you need broadcast behavior, consider SharedFlow.

val channel = Channel<Int>()

// Single Producer
launch {
    repeat(10) { i ->

// Multiple Consumers
repeat(2) { index ->
    launch {
        for (msg in channel) {
            println("Consumer $index got $msg")

Here, each item will be consumed by exactly one of the two consumers, not both.

5.2 Two-Way (Bidirectional) Communication

Because channels are unidirectional, you have two main ways to achieve two-way communication:

Use Two Separate Channels (simplest approach)

  • One channel for A → B.
  • Another channel for B → A.


val channelAtoB = Channel<String>()
val channelBtoA = Channel<String>()

// Coroutine A
launch {
    channelAtoB.send("Hello from A!")
    val response = channelBtoA.receive()
    println("A received: $response")

// Coroutine B
launch {
    val msg = channelAtoB.receive()
    println("B received: $msg")
    channelBtoA.send("Hi A, this is B!")


Use a Single Channel with Structured Messages

  • Define a sealed class (or other structure) that indicates who sent it or what type of message it is.
  • Both coroutines read from the same channel but respond only to messages that concern them.


sealed class ChatMessage {
    data class FromA(val content: String) : ChatMessage()
    data class FromB(val content: String) : ChatMessage()

val chatChannel = Channel<ChatMessage>()

// Coroutine A
launch {
    // Send an initial message
    chatChannel.send(ChatMessage.FromA("Hello from A"))
    // Wait for B’s response in the same channel
    for (msg in chatChannel) {
        when (msg) {
            is ChatMessage.FromB -> {
                println("A got B’s message: ${msg.content}")
            else -> { /* ignore messages from A itself */ }

// Coroutine B
launch {
    for (msg in chatChannel) {
        when (msg) {
            is ChatMessage.FromA -> {
                println("B got A’s message: ${msg.content}")
                // Respond in the same channel
                chatChannel.send(ChatMessage.FromB("Hi A, this is B!"))
            else -> { /* ignore messages from B */ }


Potential Deadlock Warning:

If both parties are waiting to send and receive at the same time without any additional logic, you can hit a stalemate (both coroutines suspended, waiting for the other to read). Usually, sending a message first or structuring the communication steps carefully avoids this. Two separate channels often reduce these risks because each side can send without waiting for the other to consume from the same channel.

While two separate channels are simpler to reason about, a single channel can be appealing if you prefer everything flowing through one pipeline. Just note that logic can become more complex if there are many message types or participants.

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Kobweb:Creating websites in Kotlin leveraging Compose HTML

Kobweb is a Kotlin web framework that aims to make web development enjoyable by building on top of Compose HTML and drawing inspiration from Jetpack Compose.
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Kobweb:Creating websites in Kotlin leveraging Compose HTML

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Ex-Googler, author of Kobweb

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6. Practical Examples
6.1 One-Time UI Events in Jetpack Compose

Channels are perfect for ephemeral events like showing a toast or navigating once:

class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
    private val _snackbarChannel = Channel<String>(Channel.BUFFERED)
    val snackbarChannel: ReceiveChannel<String> get() = _snackbarChannel

    fun triggerSnackbar(message: String) {
        viewModelScope.launch {

In your composable:

fun MyScreen(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
    val snackbarHostState = remember { SnackbarHostState() }

    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        for (msg in viewModel.snackbarChannel) {

    Scaffold(snackbarHost = { SnackbarHost(snackbarHostState) }) {
        // UI content

Each message is consumed exactly once — no duplicates, no replay.

6.2 Coroutine Communication in a Business Logic Layer

Channels excel at enabling safe communication between different coroutines in your business logic. Here’s a real-world example of managing orders and inventory:

// Channel for order processing communication
val orderChannel = Channel<OrderRequest>()

// Coroutine 1: Inventory Manager
launch {
    while (true) {
        val inventory = checkInventory()
        if (inventory.hasAvailableStock) {
            // Process any pending orders
            val order = orderChannel.receive() // suspends until order arrives
            processOrder(order, inventory)

// Coroutine 2: Order Processor
launch {
    while (true) {
        val newOrder = receiveNewOrder()
        orderChannel.send(newOrder) // suspends if inventory isn't ready

This example demonstrates several key channel concepts:

  • Safe communication between different coroutines
  • Automatic synchronization through channel’s suspend/resume mechanism
  • Real-world application of backpressure (order processing pauses if inventory isn’t ready)
6.3 Multi-Stage Pipeline (Real-World Example)

Suppose you have three stages:

  1. Read lines from a CSV.
  2. Clean or transform each line.
  3. Write them into a local database.

You can chain them with channels:

val rawDataChannel = Channel<String>(capacity = 50)
val processedDataChannel = Channel<String>(capacity = 50)

// Producer
launch {
    val lines = readCsvFromAssets() // hypothetical
    for (line in lines) {

// Transformer
launch {
    for (line in rawDataChannel) {
        val cleanedLine = transform(line)

// Consumer
launch {
    for (cleaned in processedDataChannel) {

Each coroutine handles its own stage; the channel coordinates handoff and backpressure automatically.

. . .

7. Which Channel Type to Choose?
  • Rendezvous (capacity = 0): Minimal overhead, strict handoff.
  • Buffered (capacity > 0): Great for smoothing bursts; the most common.
  • Conflated: Keep only the latest update (real-time or sensor-like data).
  • Unlimited: Rarely used unless you’re sure the consumer will keep up (watch for memory usage!).
8. Error Handling in Channel-Based Coroutines

When working with channels, it’s easy to focus on sending and receiving data while overlooking potential failures in the pipeline. But just like sending mail can fail if the mailbox is inaccessible or the post office is closed, sending or receiving data via channels can encounter exceptions. Here are a few strategies to handle errors gracefully:

8.1 Try-Catch Blocks Around Send/Receive

A straightforward approach is to wrap your send/receive operations in try-catch blocks:

launch {
    try {
        channel.send("Important message")
    } catch (e: CancellationException) {
        // The coroutine was cancelled, handle or log as needed
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        // Other errors while sending

The same idea applies for receive() calls:

launch {
    try {
        val msg = channel.receive()
        println("Received: $msg")
    } catch (e: ClosedReceiveChannelException) {
        // Channel has closed
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        // Handle other exceptions
8.2 Supervisory Job and Coroutine Scopes

If you’re building a larger system with multiple coroutines producing and consuming data, you might place them in a SupervisorJob or a custom CoroutineExceptionHandler. This ensures one failing coroutine doesn’t necessarily bring down all the others:

val supervisor = SupervisorJob()
val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + supervisor + CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable ->
    // Log or handle uncaught exceptions

// Then launch producers/consumers in this scope
8.3 Closing Channels on Error

When an error occurs in one stage of a pipeline, it can be beneficial to close the channel to signal no further data will arrive. This helps other coroutines know they should stop waiting for more items.

For example:

launch {
    try {
        for (line in rawDataChannel) {
            val cleanedLine = transform(line)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        // Log error
        processedDataChannel.close(e) // Let downstream know about the failure
    } finally {
8.4 Handling a ClosedSendChannelException

A common mistake is ignoring the scenario where a channel might close while a sender is suspended and waiting to send. In this situation, Kotlin throws ClosedSendChannelException. You should handle this in production code to either retry, log, or otherwise handle the fact that no more sending can occur:

launch {
    try {
        channel.send("Data that might fail if channel closes")
    } catch (e: ClosedSendChannelException) {
        // The channel was closed while suspended
        // Decide how to handle or log this scenario
8.5 Retry or Fallback Logic

Sometimes you can retry a failing operation (e.g., a network request) before sending data to the channel. In that case, you might have a small loop:

suspend fun safeSendWithRetry(channel: SendChannel<String>, data: String, maxRetries: Int = 3) {
    var attempts = 0
    while (attempts < maxRetries) {
        try {
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            if (attempts >= maxRetries) {
                throw e
            delay(1000) // wait a bit before retry
8.6 Key Takeaways for Error Handling
  • Graceful Shutdown: Decide when to close channels if an unrecoverable error happens.
  • Isolation: Use structured concurrency (e.g., SupervisorJob) so a single error doesn’t always kill your entire pipeline.
  • Retries: Decide if failing immediately is acceptable, or if you should attempt retries.
  • Exception Awareness: Watch out for CancellationException and ClosedReceiveChannelException, which are common in coroutine-based systems.

By integrating these strategies, we ensure that when something does go wrong, our channel-based concurrency doesn’t collapse silently. Whether reading data from a file, making network calls, or sending ephemeral events, error handling keeps our app stable and coroutines communicating smoothly.

9. Conclusion

Kotlin Coroutines Channels shine when you need:

  • Pipelines that pass data between different coroutines.
  • Ephemeral UI events where replay is undesirable.

They can also handle two-way exchanges using multiple channels or structured messages. However, if you need broadcast semantics where all observers see the same stream, consider SharedFlow.

By choosing the channel type that suits your use case — and structuring your code around Channels’ built-in safety and backpressure — you’ll be able to create robust, scalable Android apps free from callback spaghetti.

Key Takeaways (TL;DR)

 Channels enable one-time message delivery in a concurrency-friendly way.

 Flows are better for broadcast or multiple-collector scenarios.

 The four main channel types (Rendezvous, Buffered, Conflated, Unlimited) each serve unique buffering patterns.

 Fan-in/fan-out and two-way communication are straightforward to implement once you grasp the unidirectional nature of channels.

• Bidirectional communication can be done with two channels or a single channel with structured messages — but watch for potential deadlocks.

• Handle exceptions like ClosedSendChannelException in production code to prevent silent failures.

This article is previously published on



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