Ryan Fan says in his article :
All I know is that losing items, when it happens, turns me into a very flustered person. My anxiety spikes when I realized “shit, I’ve lost my keys. Again.” It’s an inner voice that tells me that I haven’t improved and I’m still making the same mistakes despite having come so far in my growth. Well, I’ve grown, I tell myself, but why do I lose things?
Everyone can be like Ryan, losing things and forgetting places and names is absolutely human.
When using a computer full of projects and files, it sometimes happens that you forget the location of a file. One of these files can be the Android signing key of a published app in the Google Play that requires an update…
And sometimes, you can even lose all your computer’s files due to virus or disk damage…
In my opinion, losing a an app’s signing key is like losing the keys to your girlfriend’s house 😂.
But don’t panic, you can easily get new signing key and you’ll be able to use it quickly. Just follow the next steps :
Once you have submitted the form, Google will send an email indicating that they are processing your request:
The first email from google
Then, in a short time they’ll send you an instruction email. For me it only took 19 hours to get this email. They will ask you to generate a new key and its certificate, and send them this last certificate.
These steps are not complicated, especially since they are documented by Google:
- So first, generate a new key even by following this tutorial or just writing this line in the terminal :
keytool -genkeypair -alias upload -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 9125 -keystore keystore.jks
- Then, export the certificate for that key to PEM format using this line in the terminal :
keytool -export -rfc -alias upload -file upload_certificate.pem -keystore keystore.jks
At this point you must have the .pem file in your project’s folder, please don’t lose it 😀
The instruction email
Now, reply to the last Google email as soon as you generate them by attaching the .pem file.
In a day or even less, you’ll receive a confirmation email from Google indicating that you can use your new key from the day after tomorrow at a specific time.
They add in the same email some tips so that you do not lose the keys to your girlfriend’s house again 😅
So, please follow these tips to avoid any type of headache related to this subject.
Job Offers
Google’s confirmation email
All I can say right now is, Congratulations for you new keys.
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