Blog Infos
The purpose of this article is to explain how we can integrate code-scanning functionality into our Android applications using Google’s Code Scanner API.
Major benefits:
- No permissions required 🎉
- No dependencies on
Scan results are returned solely to the app by Google Play services, which does all the work for scanning the code.
The API supports the same code formats as the ML Kit Barcode Scanning API and returns the same Barcode object.
minSdkVersion value of
≥ 21
Add dependency
dependencies { implementation '' }
Add metadata to download the scanner module automatically
<application ...> ... <meta-data android:name="" android:value="barcode_ui"/> ... </application>
We can use ModuleInstallClient API to explicitly check the scanner module availability and request download through Google Play services
Scan a code
- Configure barcode scanner options — GmsBarcodeScannerOptions [Optional]
val options = GmsBarcodeScannerOptions.Builder() .setBarcodeFormats( Barcode.FORMAT_QR_CODE, Barcode.FORMAT_AZTEC) .build()
- Get an instance of GmsBarcodeScanner
val scanner = GmsBarcodeScanning.getClient(this) // Or with a configured options val options = GmsBarcodeScannerOptions.Builder() .setBarcodeFormats( Barcode.FORMAT_QR_CODE, Barcode.FORMAT_AZTEC) .build() val scanner = GmsBarcodeScanning.getClient(this, options)
- Initiate the scan
private fun initiateScanner( gmsBarcodeScanner: GmsBarcodeScanner, onSuccess: (Barcode) -> Unit, onCancel: () -> Unit, onFailure: (Exception) -> Unit ) { gmsBarcodeScanner.startScan() .addOnSuccessListener { barcode -> // Task completed successfully val result = barcode.rawValue Log.d(TAG, "initiateScanner: $result") // check the value - URL, TEXT, etc. when (barcode.valueType) { Barcode.TYPE_URL -> { Log.d(TAG, "initiateScanner: ${barcode.valueType}") } else -> { Log.d(TAG, "initiateScanner: ${barcode.valueType}") } } // Display valu Log.d(TAG, "initiateScanner: Display value: ${barcode.displayValue}") // Formate - FORMAT_AZTEC, etc. Log.d(TAG, "initiateScanner: Format: ${barcode.format}") onSuccess(barcode) } .addOnCanceledListener { // Task canceled by the user onCancel() } .addOnFailureListener { e -> // Task failed with an exception onFailure(e) } }