Video Infos
I was fascinated by how easy it is for Android developers like me to develop APIs using my Android knowledge, because you know what!? 80% of the concepts in API development are exactly the same as what wedo in Android. From Dependency Injection (Koin/Dagger), ORMs (Room Persistence), Databases (Sqlite) to CI/CD, Static Code Analysis (KtLint) and even IDE etc... most of the things are very similar and in this session I wanted to explain how our Android team (at SumUp) is able to develop APIs that helped us deliver functionality from start to finish. Key insights: 1. Any Android developer who has used Kotlin, Dagger and Room Persistence will be able to develop APIs. 2. The session will focus on explaining our journey about indentifying similarities of Android and Backend Development (Ex: The Android App and Microservices both have application classes and are meant for the same purpose, the usecases/repositories we used in the MVVM architecture are exactly the same ones I used in my MicroService, etc.), and for static code analysis I even used the same library (KTLint).
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