Blog Infos
Kotlin 1.8.20 has been released, and we will explore some of the new features/improvements.
- We will cover only new language features and Standard library updates.
- Please refer to the References section to check the full details of this release
New language features
Enum class entries function
Why do we need this new function?
— ReturnsArray
and most of the time we convert it to alist
to work with it. Also as compared toLists
are less performant.- Please check here to learn more about the performance issues.
enum class Language(val extension: String) { Kotlin(".KT"), Java(".java"), Dart(".dart") } // values - Returns Array val languageValues:Array<Language> = Language.values() // New function entries - Returns List val languageEntries:List<Language> = Language.entries
Data objects
- For better readability purposes, We got this new feature 🎉
- It has a neat and clean
object EmployeeObject data object EmployeeDataObject // Output println(EmployeeObject) println(EmployeeDataObject) // EmployeeObject@50040f0c // EmployeeDataObject 💜
Secondary constructors with the body in inline classes
- Now starting with 1.8.20, We can use
Secondary constructors with bodies
ininline classes
@JvmInline value class Employee(private val fullName: String) { // Allowed since Kotlin 1.4.30: init { check(fullName.isNotBlank()) { "Full name shouldn't be empty" } } // Preview available since Kotlin 1.8.20: constructor(firstName: String, middleName:String, lastName: String) : this("$firstName $middleName $lastName") { check(lastName.isNotBlank()) { "Last name shouldn't be empty" } } }
Standard library updates
Autocloseable interface
- To close resources, the
AutoCloseable interface
has been added to the common standard library. - Extension function
is also included, which executes a given block function on the selected resource and then closes it down properly, whether anexception is thrown or not
Base64 encoding and decoding
Now we have
Base64 support in
Kotlin. So no more Java 😃 🎉
3 types are available
@OptIn(ExperimentalEncodingApi::class) fun base64Experimental() { // Base64.Default val nameBytes = "Nav".map { it.code.toByte() }.toByteArray() val encodedValue = Base64.Default.encode(nameBytes) // Encode value: TmF2 println("Encoded: $encodedValue") // Decoded value: Nav println("Decoded: ${String(Base64.Default.decode(encodedValue))}") // Base64.UrlSafe val googleIOUrlBytes = "".map { it.code.toByte() }.toByteArray() // Encode value: Z29vZ2xlLmlv val encodedURLSafe = Base64.UrlSafe.encode(googleIOUrlBytes) println("Encoded UrlSafe: $encodedURLSafe") // Decoded value: println("Decoded UrlSafe: ${String(Base64.UrlSafe.decode(encodedURLSafe))}") }
Job Offers
Support for
@Volatile annotation in Kotlin/Native
Before 1.8.20 this annotation in only available in common standard library and effective in JVM
- Check here to learn more about
@Volatile annotation
class Developer { @Volatile private var isAndroidDev: Boolean = false fun isAndroidDevloper(): Boolean = isAndroidDev fun setAndroidDev(isAndroidDev: Boolean) { this.isAndroidDev = isAndroidDev } }
Preview of Java synthetic property references
public class Developer { private String name; private String coreLanguage; public Developer(String name, String coreLanguage) { = name; this.coreLanguage = coreLanguage; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getCoreLanguage() { return coreLanguage; } }
- Accessing properties using references
val developer = Developer("Nav", "Kotlin") // references to Java synthetic properties print("Developer name is ${developer::name}")
Kotlin 1.8.20 has been released, and we will explore some of the new features/improvements. We will cover only new language features and Standard library updates. Please refer to the References section to check the full details of this release
Stay in touch
Nav Singh ( — Android Dev Social
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