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Restricting the content of the composable lambda using layoutId modifier.

Jetpack Compose introduced us to a new concept — Slot API. It empowers developers to create flexible yet easy-to-use reusable UI components. However, sometimes there is too much flexibility — we need a way to allow only a certain number of UI components to be placed into a slot.

But how to do it? Today we will find out. Strap in!

The Problem

Imagine we are designing our own TopAppBar:

fun TopAppBar(
    title: String,
    icon: @Composable () -> Unit,

And we already have a custom Icon:

fun Icon(painter: Painter, tint: Color = DefaultTintColor)

But we want users of TopAppBar to be able to place one and only one Icon composable into an icon slot.

Solution One

The easiest way is to just do this:

fun TopAppBar(
    title: String,
    iconPainter: Painter, 
    iconTint: Color = DefaultTintColor,
) { 
    // ...
    Icon(iconPainter, iconTint)
    // ...

However, if an Icon component has many parameters (5–9 or even more), and/or TopAppBar has many icons, this solution becomes impractical.

Solution Two

We can create a TopAppBarIcon data class specifically for TopAppBar:

data class TopAppBarIcon(
    val painter: Painter,
    val tint: Color = DefaultTintColor,

fun TopAppBar(
    title: String,
    icon: TopAppBarIcon,
) {
    // ...
    Icon(icon.painter, icon.tint)
    // ...

However, this solution has many disadvantages:

  1. Code duplication. A list of Icon‘s parameters and their default values are duplicated in TopAppBarIcon, which will be a headache to maintain.
  2. Combinatorial explosion. If an icon will be used in a lot of other components, there will be a lot of wrapper classes for the same Icon component.
  3. Not idiomatic. Jetpack Compose heavily uses Slot APIs, and developers are used to it. This approach strays away from the conventions and confuses devs.
  4. Recomposition scope. If icon.tint changes, it will trigger a recomposition of the whole TopAppBar, which is not very efficient, especially when using animations (animating tint, for example).
Solution Three

Compose Layout subsystem has a thing called layoutId — a parameter that every LayoutNode can have (implemented using ParentDataModifier).

First, it is set using a Modifier.layoutId, then — read in a layout (measuring) phase.

Applying this knowledge to our problem, firstly we use Modifier.layoutId inside an Icon like this:

fun Icon(painter: Painter, tint: Color = DefaultTintColor) {
    Box(Modifier.layoutId(IconLayoutId)) {
            painter = painter,
            tint = tint,
            contentDescription = null

private object IconLayoutId


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Then create a composable function RequireLayoutId:

fun RequireLayoutId(
    layoutId: Any?,
    errorMessage: String = "Failed requirement.",
    content: @Composable () -> Unit,
) = Layout(content) { measurables, constraints ->
    val child = measurables.singleOrNull()
        ?: error("Only a single child is allowed, was: ${measurables.size}")

    // read layoutId of a single child
    require(child.layoutId == layoutId) { errorMessage }

    // do not actually measure or layout a child
    layout(0, 0) {}

This function is a custom layout that doesn’t actually measure or layout any children, it’s just checking if a single allowed child has a required layoutId.

Finally, we use the function like this:

fun TopAppBar(
    title: String,
    icon: @Composable () -> Unit,
) {
        layoutId = IconLayoutId,
        errorMessage = "Only Icon is allowed",
        content = icon

    // later in code

Here are some test cases:

fun TestCases() = Column {
    // ✅
    TopAppBar(title = "Lorem") {
        Icon(painter = rememberVectorPainter(Icons.Default.Add))

    // ❌
    TopAppBar(title = "Lorem") {
        Button(onClick = {})

    // ❌
    TopAppBar(title = "Lorem") {

    // ❌
    TopAppBar(title = "Lorem") {
        Box {
            Icon(painter = rememberVectorPainter(Icons.Default.Add))

    fun IconWrapper() {
        // you can use any composable functions that do not emit UI
        remember { "Something" }
        LaunchedEffect(Unit) { delay(200) }
        Icon(painter = rememberVectorPainter(Icons.Default.Add))

    // ✅
    TopAppBar(title = "Lorem") {
Even more!

If you want even more granular control over what Icons can be passed to TopAppBar, you can create a composable wrapper that will only allow a certain subset of all possible Icon configurations:

interface TopAppBarScope {
    fun TopAppBarIcon(painter: Painter) {
        Box(Modifier.layoutId(TopAppBarIconLayoutId)) {
            Icon(painter = painter, tint = TopAppBarTint)

    companion object {
        private val instance = object : TopAppBarScope {}
        internal operator fun invoke() = instance

private object TopAppBarIconLayoutId

fun TopAppBar(
    title: String,
    icon: @Composable TopAppBarScope.() -> Unit,
) {
    // ...
        layoutId = TopAppBarIconLayoutId,
        errorMessage = "Only TopAppBarIcon is allowed",
    ) {
    // ...


fun TestCases() = Column {
    // ✅
    TopAppBar(title = "Lorem") {
        TopAppBarIcon(painter = rememberVectorPainter(Icons.Default.Add))

Because of TopAppBarScope we even get a nice autocompletion:


Autocompletion dropdown in TopAppBarScope


Of course, this approach can easily be extended to accept a defined number of different UI components.

That’s all for today, I hope it helps! Feel free to leave a comment if something is not clear or if you have questions. Thank you for reading!

This article was originally published on on December 03, 2022



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