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Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash


Working on Android with currencies is fairly easy. There are built-in components that tell what is the default currency for our device, currency formatters, etc. Displaying currencies is easy. However, I have stumbled upon a challenge working on a new app feature.

I had to make a TextField that displays a price formatted with the user’s device currency. Sound easy?

Let’s list the requirements:

  • The user is allowed to enter digits only. No spaces, no special characters, no manually typed currency symbols.
  • As soon as the user types some digits, the outcome needs to be formatted as currency.

Take a look at the recording below to have a better understanding what is the goal. There are three different TextFields: first with default locale and USD currency, second with ENGLISH locale and USD currency, and third with ENGLISH locale and GBP currency.

I was typing ONLY digits on the keyboard


TextField comes with a very handy class VisualTransformation that converts TextField String value into formatted value. One of the available transformations is PasswordVisualTransformation which turns entered values into dots. So I decided to use that!

In this article, I am going to explain how it works inside the code using comments. I believe that would be the easiest to understand. I have formatted the comments so they don’t require scrolling horizontally.

import android.util.Log
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalInspectionMode
import androidx.compose.ui.text.AnnotatedString
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.OffsetMapping
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TransformedText
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation
import androidx.core.text.isDigitsOnly
import java.text.NumberFormat
import java.util.Currency

 * Visual filter for currency values. Formats values without fractions 
 * adding currency symbol
 * based on the provided currency code and default Locale.
 * @param currencyCode the ISO 4217 code of the currency
private class CurrencyVisualTransformation(
    currencyCode: String
) : VisualTransformation {
     * Currency formatter. Uses default Locale but there is an option to set
     * any Locale we want e.g. NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.ENGLISH)
    private val numberFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().apply {
        currency = Currency.getInstance(currencyCode)
        maximumFractionDigits = 0

    override fun filter(text: AnnotatedString): TransformedText {
         * First we need to trim typed text in case there are any spaces. 
         * What can by typed is also handled on TextField itself, 
         * see SampleUse code.
        val originalText = text.text.trim()
        if (originalText.isEmpty()) {
             * If user removed the values there is nothing to format. 
             * Calling numberFormatter would cause exception.
             * So we can return text as is without any modification. 
             * OffsetMapping.Identity tell system that the number 
             * of characters did not change.
            return TransformedText(text, OffsetMapping.Identity)
        if (originalText.isDigitsOnly().not()) {
             * As mentioned before TextField should validate entered data 
             * but here we also protect the app from crashing if it doesn't 
             * and log warning.
             * Then return same TransformedText like above.
            Log.w("TAG", "Currency visual transformation require using digits only but found [$originalText]")
            return TransformedText(text, OffsetMapping.Identity)
         * Here is our TextField value transformation to formatted value. 
         * EditText operates on String so we have to change it to Int. 
         * It's safe at this point because we eliminated cases where
         * value is empty or contains non-digits characters.
        val formattedText = numberFormatter.format(originalText.toInt())
         * CurrencyOffsetMapping is where the magic happens. See you there :)
        return TransformedText(
            CurrencyOffsetMapping(originalText, formattedText)

 * Helper function prevents creating CurrencyVisualTransformation 
 * on every re-composition and use inspection mode 
 * in case you don't want to use visual filter in Previews.
 * Currencies were displayed for me in Preview but I don't trust them 
 * so that's how you could deal with it by returning VisualTransformation.None
fun rememberCurrencyVisualTransformation(currency: String): VisualTransformation {
    val inspectionMode = LocalInspectionMode.current
    return remember(currency) {
        if (inspectionMode) {
        } else {

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Note: CurrencyOffsetMapping translates TextField caret position between original and formatted text. By controlling the caret position we do not allow modifying currency symbols.

import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.OffsetMapping

 * CurrencyOffsetMapping is a class that maps offsets 
 * between an original text and its formatted version.
 * @param originalText The original unformatted text.
 * @param formattedText The formatted text, which has the same content 
 *                      as originalText but with different
 *                      character positioning, due to added 
 *                      or removed formatting characters.
class CurrencyOffsetMapping(originalText: String, formattedText: String) : OffsetMapping {
    private val originalLength: Int = originalText.length
    private val indexes = findDigitIndexes(originalText, formattedText)

     * Find the indexes of digits in the original text with respect 
     * to the formatted text.
     * @param firstString The original unformatted text.
     * @param secondString The formatted text.
     * @return A list of indexes indicating the position of digits 
     *         in the secondString (formatted text).
     *         The order of indexes corresponds to the order of digits 
     *         in the original text.
     *         If a digit is not found in the secondString, 
     *         an empty list is returned.
    private fun findDigitIndexes(firstString: String, secondString: String): List<Int> {
        val digitIndexes = mutableListOf<Int>()
        var currentIndex = 0
        for (digit in firstString) {
            // Find the index of the digit in the second string
            val index = secondString.indexOf(digit, currentIndex)
            if (index != -1) {
                currentIndex = index + 1
            } else {
                // If the digit is not found, return an empty list
                return emptyList()
        return digitIndexes
     * Maps an offset from the original text to its corresponding position 
     * in the formatted text.
     * @param offset The offset in the original text.
     * @return The offset in the formatted text corresponding to the input 
     *         offset.
     *         If the input offset is beyond the length of the original text, 
     *         the last position in the formatted text is returned adding 1
     *         to set the caret after last digit.
    override fun originalToTransformed(offset: Int): Int {
         * Example:
         * original 123
         * formatted $123
         * indexes [1,2,3]
         * caret position/offset is 1 which is here 1|23 in the original
         * in formatted text it will be offset=2 since all digits move by 1
         * because of the $ symbol at start
         * if caret is at the end of 123 we do not have index for it in indexes
         * so we take last value from indexes and add 1
        if (offset >= originalLength) {
            return indexes.last() + 1
        return indexes[offset]

     * Maps an offset from the formatted text to its corresponding position 
     * in the original text.
     * @param offset The offset in the formatted text.
     * @return The offset in the original text corresponding to the input 
     *         offset.
     *         If the input offset is beyond the length of the formatted text, 
     *         the length of the original text is returned.
    override fun transformedToOriginal(offset: Int): Int {
         * Example 1:
         * original text 123
         * formatted text $123
         * indexes [1, 2, 3], index 0 is taken by $ symbol
         * if user tries to set caret before $ (offset = 0) 
         * which is not allowed
         * we have to find the closest allowed caret position which in that
         * case will be 1
         * Example 2:
         * original text 123
         * formatted text 123 USD
         * indexes [0,1,2] beyond that we have space and currency symbol
         * if user tries to set caret between U and S (offset=5) 
         * which is not allowed
         * we have to find the closest allowed caret which we cannot in indexes.
         * Thus we take the length of original text to set caret after 123
        return indexes.indexOfFirst { it >= offset }.takeIf { it != -1 } ?: originalLength

The below images help us understand how the caret offset position is transformed in the transformedToOriginal function.

transformedToOriginal, Example 1


transformedToOriginal, Example 2


Sample use
import androidx.compose.material.TextField
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.KeyboardType

private const val MAX_VALUE = 10000

 * Sample how to apply visual transformation and validation logic you could use
fun SampleUse() {
    var value by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
    val currencyVisualTransformation = rememberCurrencyVisualTransformation(currency = "USD")
        value = value,
        onValueChange = { newValue ->
             * Trim entered value removing 0 at start and then remove
             * every characters that is not a digit
             * Update value only if it's empty or if value is not higher
             * than 10000
            val trimmed = newValue.trimStart('0').trim { it.isDigit().not() }
            if (trimmed.isEmpty() || trimmed.toInt() <= MAX_VALUE) {
                value = trimmed
         * Keyboard doesn't matter much but make sense if we want
         * type digits only
        keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(keyboardType = KeyboardType.Number),
         * Apply visual transformation here
        visualTransformation = currencyVisualTransformation

Here is also a short recording from the Tilt app I am working on. This custom bidding feature will be released soon. So download the app today and experience all the exciting new features for yourself!

Auction custom bidding at Tilt



I hope this article will help others understand better how visual transformation can be applied. I spent a few hours on this, so you don’t have to 🙂

Here is a GitHub gist without comment if you want to copy code more easily.

Again, happy coding! Cheers!

This article was previously published on



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